Profa. Dra. Maria Vittoria Calvi, University of Milano

Título del seminario: El Español del turismo en las redes sociales

Número de horas: 2h30.

Resumen de contenidos. El desarrollo del llamado turismo 2.0, entendido como conjunto de servicios y comunidades online que se basan en la interacción entre los usuarios, ha ejercido un fuerte impacto en la comunicación turística, ya que la participación del turista influye directamente en la percepción y decisión de otros usuarios, y ofrece a las empresas del sector nuevas vías de comunicación con sus clientes potenciales. En el entorno 2.0, también la promoción turística institucional encuentra nuevas formas expresivas y comunicativas. Este seminario se propone explorar algunos de los rasgos emergentes de la promoción turística institucional realizada a través de diferentes redes sociales, tales como Facebook e Instagram, de acuerdo con los rasgos propios de la plataforma utilizada.


Calvi, Maria Vittoria (2019): “Oralización y polifonía en la lengua del turismo 2.0: el caso de las plataformas de reserva hotelera”. Normas, 9, 1, 1-16. doi: url:

Mancera Rueda, Ana y Pano Alamán, Ana (2020): La opinión pública en la red. Análisis pragmático de la voz de los ciudadanos. Madrid/Frankfurt: Iberoamericana/Vervuert.





Profa. Dra. Rosa Estopà Bagot, Universidad Pompeu Fabra

Título del seminario: ¿Por qué no entendemos los informes médicos? Una aproximación al texto desde el análisis lingüístico

Número de horas: 4h.

Resumen de contenidos. La buena comunicación médico-paciente es básica para la gestión óptima de cualquier enfermedad. Por eso, la comprensión del informe médico es fundamental en un modelo sanitario colaborativo que ha dejado de ser paternalista i unidireccional. Este seminario tiene como principal objetivo mostrar los elementos lingüísticos que obstaculizan la comprensión de un informe médico. En especial, pondremos énfasis en los aspectos terminológicos. No obstante, también analizaremos otros aspectos que permiten elaborar un texto especializado adecuado a las necesidades cognitivo-lingüísticas de los pacientes. En todos los aspectos que se tratarán se usarán ejemplos y casos reales extraídos de un corpus de informes médicos.


Dr. Eilika Fobbe, Bunderskriminale, Wiesbaden

 Kriminaltechnisches Institut des Bundeskriminalamts (Forensic Science Institute, Federal Criminal Police Office), Germany

Seminar: Authorship attribution

17th December (2h30).

Abstract. The seminar introduces the field of forensic authorship analysis. First, the current state of the art in the field will be discussed, and some theoretical aspects will be addressed, including questions of error definition and style definition. Methodological issues will then be discussed, including conditions that might affect the analysis. The individual steps of the text analysis will be presented using authentic material (in English). Students will have the opportunity to carry out analyses themselves and discuss the results. In doing so, the students will be sensitised to forensic text analysis's particular framework conditions and the significance of a linguistic expert opinion as evidence in court.



Prof. Dr. Sophie Loussouarn, University Jules Verne, Picardiè, Amiens

25-30 October 2021




The UK left the EU’s single market and customs union on 31 December 2020 and a trade deal was signed on 24 December 2020.  We are not seeing the full impact of Brexit yet. Imports have done worse than exports. Exports to the EU have recovered. Yet the UK’s strong industrial base and location continue to make it an attractive option in spite of Brexit. Its world-class universities coupled with access to highly-qualified graduates are an added bonus for companies looking to invest. Fintech and digital companies have developed and attract significant international investment. The UK’s strength as a financial services hub has not been significantly affected by Brexit in spite of the loss of passport rights within the European Union. London has maintained its position in the world.Since 2020, Brexit and the pandemic have become the two major challenges to the British economy. The economy will emerge from the Covid crisis in a very different shape. If we had not had Brexit and Covid, what would the British economy be like? Economic forecasts have been revised upwards in 2021. There is more confidence than previously expected.Owing to the pandemic, there is a surge in prices and there are fiscal challenges to pay for healthcare. The British government has spent £372 billion on fighting Covid-19 so far. That is twice the amount raised in income tax every year and almost every penny of it is borrowed. It has been easy to borrow because of low interest rates. The British government of Boris Johnson is an interventionist government. Taxpayers will be facing the costs of Covid for decades.There is a lot of uncertainty about the economic recovery and the Covid case spread. There is uncertainty about the variant and the vaccine rollout. The V-shape recovery could turn into a L-shape recovery. Besides there is uncertainty about the Northern Ireland Protocol.

Prof. Dr. Dieter Stein, Heinrich-Heine Universität, Düsseldorf

Seminar: Veracity Evaluation

Germán Bernácer Class 007    26th December 2021 (2h30) 

1. What is a lie linguistically? 2. What is a lie in terms of language production/psychology? 3. Problematic approaches 4. Standard methods of psychological testing involving language components 5. Veripol 6. Evidence in narrative form 7. Lie and perjury at court 8. Problems in forensic work