Dr. Francisco Yus

Applied Linguistics
  • Professional address
    University of Alicante, Filología Inglesa. Aptdo 99. E-03080 Alicante (Spain)
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Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae  

Francisco Yus teaches pragmatics at the University of Alicante, Spain. He has a PhD in linguistics (1995) and has specialised in the application of pragmatics (especially relevance theory) to media discourses and conversational issues, about which he has published many articles and books. He has got 3 “sexenios”.

Positions held 

01/09/2016     Current

09/09/2013     Current

17/05/2010     08/09/2013

13/09/2005     08/09/2016

22/01/2009     16/05/2013

30/04/2005     21/01/2009

Invited scholar 
  • 2001 [invited lecture] “Ciberpragmática. Entre la compensación y el desconcierto.” In: Segundo Congreso de la Lengua Española, Valladolid
  • 2003 [invited lecture] “El papel del contexto en la comunicación por Internet.” In:  Jornades de Foment de la Investigació, Universitat Jaume I, Valencia.
  • 2003 [plenary lecture] “The linguistic-cognitive essence of virtual community.” In: First International Conference on Internet and Language. Castellon: Universitat Jaume I
  • 2003 [invited lecture] “Conceptos ad hoc en el procesamiento de la metáfora. El caso de las viñetas humorísticas en la prensa.” In: Jornadas sobre Texto/Imagen. Ciudad Real: University of Castilla-La Mancha.
  • 2006 [invited lecture] “Saturación contextual en la comprensión de la ironía.” In: VIII Jornadas de Estudios de Lingüística. Análisis del Discurso. Alicante: University of Alicante.
  • 2006 [invitado] “Mesa redonda: ¿Qué es la ironía?: Un punto de encuentro entre varios enfoques.” In: VIII Jornadas de Estudios de Lingüística. Análisis del Discurso. Alicante: University of Alicante.
  • 2007 [invited lecture]  “Estrategias interpretativas en los ciber-medios.” In: VIII Ciclo de Conferencias “Adquisición y uso de segundas lenguas” (Nuevas tecnologías en la enseñanza/ap rendizaje de segundas lenguas). University Pablo de Olavide, Seville.
  • 2008 [invited lecture] “Estrategias lingüísticas de los hablantes en la Red.” In: Lenguas y Culturas Hispánicas en Internet. Madrid, Residencia de Estudiantes.
  • 2009 [invited lecture] “Estrategias y efectos en el discurso humorístico.” In: II Jornadas de Lingüística y Cognición. Cádiz: University of Cádiz.
  • 2010 [invited lecture] “Nuevas formas de interacción en Internet: Los sitios de redes sociales y los mundos virtuales tridimensionales.” In: II Jornadas sobre Lengua y Tecnología. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
  • 2010 [plenary lecture] “Relevance, humour and translation.” In: 5th Conference Interpreting for Relevance: Discourse and Translation. Kazimierz Dolny (Poland).
  • 2010 [invited lecture] “La lengua y el humor.” In: Seminario Hablemos del Humor. Alicante, Sede Universitaria, University of Alicante.
  • 2010 [plenary lecture] “La relevancia como motor de comunicación en Internet.” In: Semiótica 3.0. Conocimiento, Contemporaneidad, Comunicación. Bogotá (Colombia).
  • 2010 [invited lecture] “Ciberpragmática. Aspetti pragmatici della comunicazione mediata dal computer.” In: University of La Sapienza, Rome.
  • 2010 [invited lecture] “Metafora nel discorso di specialitá.” Universidad La Sapienza (Rome).
  • 2011 [invited lecture] “A pragmatic analysis of jokes.” In: Seminario Meaning in Interaction. Sevilla: University of Sevilla.
  • 2011 [invited lecture] “Las redes sociales en Internet: De ‘Facebook' a ‘Second Life' pasando por ‘Foursquare.'” Valencia, Universidad Politécnica de Valencia.
  • 2012  [invited lecture] “Identidades físicas e identidades en línea: Atracciones, desencuentros y solapamientos.” In: Identitats Perverses, Identitats en Conflicte. Lléida.
  • 2012 [invited lecture] “Internet y los géneros electrónicos: Cómo se alteran los discursos, el interés en leerlos y el esfuerzo de interpretarlos.” University of Valencia and IULMA.
  • 2013 [plenary lecture] “A discourse-centred approach to online identities.” In: 6th International Conference of Hispanic Linguistics and 4th Biennial Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Spanish in Society. Birkbeck, University of Londres.
  • 2012  [invited lecture] “Introducción a la ciberpragmática.” University of Córdoba.
  • 2014 [invited lecture] “Cognición, relevancia y nuevas narrativas digitales”. In: AISPI 2013. Le forme del narrare: nel tempo e tra i generi. Pisa: University of Pisa.
  • 2014 [invited lecture] “Discursos e identidades en la Red: Una aproximación pragmática.” 3-hour Seminar at Pompeu Fabra University (Barcelona)
  • 2014 [plenary lecture] “¿Puede la pragmática cognitiva abordar toda la pragmática?” Paper delivered at II Workshop Internacional de Pragmática. Curitiba (Brazil), November.
  • 2014 [plenary lecture] “La seducción de lo no codificado.” Paper delivered at Intermedialidad en la lengua y la literatura hispánicas. Coloquio Internacional. Université de Lausanne, October.
  • 2015 [invited lecture]”La participación activa del lector de cómic.” Opening lecture at the Course Còmic com a Element Didàctic III. University of Alicante.
  • 2015 [invited lecture] “Broadening the (propositional) scope of pragmatics in order to address the (non-propositional) quality of humorous effects.” Paper delivered at I Workshop on Advanced Studies of Humor and Gender (WASHUM). Alicante (Spain): University of Alicante.
  • 2016 [invited lecture] “Incongruity-resolution and the explicit-implicated-implied interface.” Paper delivered at Linguistic Approaches to Funniness, Amusement and Laughter. 4th International Symposium: Theoretical Issues in Humour, Building Bridges across Disciplines. University of Lodz (Poland).
  • 2016 [plenary lecture] “Online identity: A (non)propositional account.” Paper delivered at EPICS VII. Pablo de Olavide University (Seville).
  • 2016 [plenary lecture] “The phatic Internet. Networked feelings and emotions across the propositional-non-propositional and the intentional-unintentional board." Paper delivered at the International Conference on Language and Emotion. Madrid.
  • 2017 [invited lecture] “A cognitive pragmatics approach to humorous communication.” Paper delivered at the 7th Humor Research Conference. Texas A&M University Commerce. Dallas (USA).
  • 2017 [invited lecture] “Ciberpragmática: Retos y usos del lenguaje en Internet.” Paper delivered at Universidad Interamericana. Puerto Rico.
  • 2017 [invited lecture] “Los efectos de Internet y las redes sociales en el español.” Paper delivered at Academia Puertorriqueña de la Lengua Española. Puerto Rico.
  • 2017 [invited lecture] “Pragmatics and humorous communication. Paper delivered at the University of Warsaw. Department of Applied Linguistics.
  • 2017 [plenary lecture] “The pragmatic story of a stand-up story.” Paper delivered at the 2nd Annual Siedlce Forum for Contemporary Issues in Language and Literature: Humorousness/Seriousness Dichotomy in Language, Culture and Literature. Siedlce (Poland).
  • 2018 [invited lecture] “Cyberpragmatics of interactions through locative media.” Paper delivered at International CoCoLaC-Conference. Comparative Approaches to Pragmatics. Helsinki, March.
  • 2019 [invited lecture] “Identity online: A multi-disciplinary pragmatic account.” Paper delivered at the 7th Liberal Arts International Conference (Liberal Arts in the Global Age: Changing Winds and Shifting Sands). Texas A.M. in Doha (Qatar)
  • 2019 [plenary lecture] "Emoji: A full cyberpragmatic approach." Paper delivered at the 16th China Pragmatics Conference. Nanchang (China).
  • 2019 [plenary lecture] “Pragmática del emoji: Dentro, fuera y más allá.” Paper delivered at III Jornadas "En torno a la comunicación digital: Interacción, turismo y discurso político." University of Valladolid, Segovia.

Academic year 2016-2017

Degree in English Studies, 3rd year
Pragmática de la lengua inglesa / Pragmatics of the English language

In Master in English and Spanish for specific purposes
Lingüística aplicada al inglés y español para fines específicos / Linguistics applied to English and Spanish for specific purposes

Teaching abroad 

Master at Polytechnic University of Valencia
Academic year: 2012, 2013, 2014-2015, 2016-2017

Master at La Manouba (Tunisia)
Academic year: 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2015-2016, 2016-2017, 2018-2019

Current research interests 

Pragmatics, Misunderstandings, Relevance Theory, Verbal Irony, Facebook, Second Life, Humor (Psychology), Discourse Analysis, Computer-Mediated Communication, Blogs, Twitter, Cognitive Pragmatics, Linguistic Politeness, Irony Comprehension, Jokes, Applied Linguistics, Sociolinguistics, Cognitive Linguistics, Media Studies, Comics and Graphic Novels, Humor, Media Discourse, Irony, Humorous Communication, Semiotics, Verbal-visual Interface, and Internet communication from a pragmatic point of view (cyberpragmatics).

Selected publications 
  • Yus, F. (1998) "A decade of relevance theory." Journal of Pragmatics 30: 305-345.
  • Yus, F. (2001) Ciberpragmática. El uso del lenguaje en Internet. Barcelona: Ariel.
  • Yus, F. (2007) Virtualidades reales. Nuevas formas de comunidad en la era de Internet. Alicante: University of Alicante, Servicio de Publicaciones.
  • Yus, F. (2010) Ciberpragmática 2.0. Nuevos usos del lenguaje en Internet. Barcelona: Ariel.
  • Yus, F. (2011) Cyberpragmatics. Internet-Mediated Communication in Context. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
  • Yus, F. (2016) Humour and Relevance. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Yus, F. (2017) "Contextual constraints and non-propositional effects in WhatsApp communication." Journal of Pragmatics 114: 66-86.
  • Yus, F. (2017) “Putting relevance at centre stage in research on human activity on the Internet.” In: From Discourse to Morphemes. Applications of Relevance Theory. Eds. A. Piskorska and E. Walaszewska. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 86-102.
    Yus, F. (2017) "Incongruity-resolution cases in jokes." Lingua 197: 103-122.
    Yus, F. (2018) “Positive non-humorous effects of humor on the Internet.” In: The Dynamics of Interactional Humor. Creating and Negotiating Humor in Everyday Encounters. Eds. V. Tsakona and J. Chovanec. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 283-304.
    Yus, F. (2018) “Attaching feelings and emotions to propositions. Some insights on irony and Internet communication.” Russian Journal of Linguistics 22(1): 94-107.
    Yus, F. (2018) “Identity-related issues in meme communication.” Internet Pragmatics 1(1): 113-133.
    Yus, F. (2018) "The interface between pragmatics and Internet-mediated communication: Applications, extensions and adjustments." In: Pragmatics and its Interfaces. Eds. C. Ilie and N. Norrick. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 267-290.
    Yus, F. (2018). “Relevance from and beyond propositions. The case of online identity.” In: Relevance and Irrelevance: Theories, Factors and Challenges. Eds. H. Nasu and J. Strassheim. Berlin: De Gruyter, 119-140.
    Yus, F. (2019) "A cognitive pragmatics of the phatic Internet." In: Emotion in Discourse. Eds. Laura Alba and Lachlan Mackenzie. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 161-188.
    Yus, F. (2019) “Multimodality in memes. A cyberpragmatic approach." In: Analyzing Digital Discourse: New Insights and Future Directions. Eds. Patricia Bou-Franch and Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich. Cham (Switzerland): Palgrave Macmillan, 105-131.
    Yus, F. (2019) "An outline of some future research issues for internet pragmatics." Internet Pragmatics 2(1): 1-33.